How To Use PayPal To Make Purchases On Apple App Store [The Right Way]

Fortune Osinachi
By Fortune Osinachi - Technical Writer
3 Min Read

Using PayPal to make purchases on the Apple App Store directly from your iPhone is a replacement for using your credit cards depending on your region.

Lately, the Apple App Store has become a go-to destination for iPhone users seeking the latest apps, games, and other digital content.

Meanwhile, credit cards have traditionally been the primary payment method on the App Store. Alternatively, PayPal offers added convenience and security as well.

In this article, you’ll learn how to make purchases on your Apple App Store using your PayPal account.

How To Use PayPal To Make Payment on App Store

You’ll need to add PayPal to your Apple ID before it can appear as a payment option. To do this, follow the steps.

Step 1: Go To Settings

Go to Settings on your iPhone menu screen (the gear icon).

Step 2: Tap your Apple ID

On the Settings screen, tap on your Apple ID account name.

Step 3: Select Payment & Shipping

When the Apple ID settings display, select the Payment & Shipping option.

Step 4: Tap on Add Payment Method

Tap on the Add Payment Method to input PayPal as your means of payment.

Step 5: Choose PayPal

On the Add Payment screen, choose the PayPal option to add it as your means of payment.

Step 6: Log in to PayPal

You’ll be prompted to log in to your PayPal account by entering your email and password followed by accepting the terms and conditions.

After doing these steps, you’ll be able to use your PayPal to make purchases on Apple App Store.


With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, such as iPhones, it’s important to have a seamless and secure payment method that allows you to make purchases with ease.

One such method is using PayPal to make payments on your iPhone App Store.

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By Fortune Osinachi Technical Writer
Fortune Osinachi is an experienced freelance tech writer specializing in consumer technology. With 5 years of expertise, he delves into comprehensive guides for iOS, macOS, and Windows on Techvocast. His work also extends to prominent online media platforms including What Gadget, iGeekPhone, Xiaomitoday, and MobiGaming.
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