How Long Does The Hourglass Last On Snapchat? (The Last 24)

Timothy Iyekowa
By Timothy Iyekowa - Technical Writer
7 Min Read

Have you ever seen an hourglass on Snapchat? And you are wondering how long the Hourglass lasts? If you have, then this article is for you.

As an avid Snapchat user, knowing about the hourglass on Snapchat is vital to your use of the app, most especially if you’re having a long Snap streak.

The hourglass is one of Snapchat’s most popular features, which plays a role in your Snapstreak.

In this article, you’ll learn about the hourglass on Snapchat and how long the hourglass lasts on Snapchat.

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What Is The Hourglass On Snapchat?

The Hourglass feature on Snapchat reminds you that your Snapstreak with a friend is about to end.

A Snapstreak is another cool feature on Snapchat where you and your friend have to send each other snaps daily.

A snap is a picture or a video sent and created using the Snapchat app. If you and your friend exchange snap for three days consistently, you begin streaking with that person.

The Snapstreak is represented by a fire emoji and the number of days the streak has been going on. The streak dies if you and your friend do not send each other a snap within 24 hours.

The Hourglass then appears to remind you that you need to send each other a snap, not a chat, and also appears as a countdown. When the bottom half of the hourglass is full, the Snapstreak dies.

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How Long Does The Hourglass Last On Snapchat?

The Hourglass is a reminder that your Snapstreak is about to die. You and your friend must send a snap within 24 hours; otherwise, your Snapstreak ends.

The Hourglass lasts about 4 to 7 hours before the Snap Streak dies. At times it may also last 2 to 3 hours. This number of hours depends on how old the streak is.

The more recent the streak, the shorter the number of hours the Hourglass lasts.

This means if your streak is only a few days old, the hourglass will last for about 2 to 3 hours, and if your streak is a few months old, the hourglass has an extended window of about 4 to 7 hours.

Know that the Hourglass disappears once you and your friend send a snap.

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How Can I Avoid The Hourglass Icon?

There are two ways you can avoid the Hourglass Icon to show up when. This means you’ll need to continue sending snaps.

Keep A Routine

Firstly, Keep a routine. To avoid the hourglass icon, you need to maintain a daily streak. You and your friend must send each other a streak before the day ends.

You could schedule a time to send the snap so you don’t forget and the streak dies. It could be early in the morning or sometime in the afternoon.

Create A Shortcut

The second way to avoid the hourglass icon is to make a Snapchat shortcut on the home screen, so you are reminded to send your friend a snap whenever you see it. To create the shortcut,

For Android

Press and hold the home screen > Click on the Widget option that appears > Locate the Snapchat Widget > Add your friends, especially those you streak with, to the widget > Add the widget to your home screen.

For iOS

On your Home screen, swipe right to see the Today view > Click on Edit > Locate the Snapchat Widget > Press the plus button > Add your friends, especially those you streak with, to the widget > You will then see your Friend’s Bitmoji on your today view


The hourglass icon is a feature that reminds Snapchat users that their Snapstreak is about to die.

When the time in the hourglass runs out, the streak between you and your friend dies.

To avoid the hourglass icon, you need to maintain a snap routine. This means you and your friend need to send each other snaps within 24 hours.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do Snapstreaks work?

A Snapstreak is such that once you and a friend exchange snap for three days in a row, a fire emoji appears beside your friend’s name. Beside the fire, the emoji is the number of days you and your friend have been streaking each other. If you and your friend don’t send each other a snap within 24 hours, the Snapstreak dies.

How do I know my Snapstreak is about to end?

If your Snapstreak is about to end, you will see the hourglass icon beside your friend’s name on Snapchat indicating a countdown till the hourglass is empty. Then the Snapstreak ends.

How can I avoid the hourglass on Snapchat?

To avoid the hourglass icon on Snapchat, make sure that you and your friend send each other a snap every 24 hours. You can also do this by maintaining a snap routine, for example sending a snap every morning to prevent the hourglass icon from showing up.

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By Timothy Iyekowa Technical Writer
As a seasoned content writer with 4+ years of experience in consumer technology, Timothy has been a dedicated author and editor at Techvocast since its inception. Specializing in addressing user concerns, his articles offer effective solutions for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac-related issues. Timothy's expertise also extends to crafting content about social media and various applications. Through his daily articles, he consistently aids users in overcoming their technology challenges.
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